About us

Our Mission: “Islamic Faith in the Hearts of the People.”
The mission of Masjid Al Athar is to cultivate harmony and understanding among our members, neighbors and local communities. Rooted in the principles of Islam, we strive to exemplify the noble morals commanded by our the Islamic faith, steadfastly opposing all forms of extremism and partisanship.
Our commitment extends to nurturing the youth, providing them with a comprehensive education about their religion. Through this, we aim to equip them with the knowledge and values that promote a deep understanding of Islam and its teachings. Masjid Al-Athar is dedicated to promoting an inclusive environment that encourages brotherhood and a strong sense of community.

Our Call
>> To call to the Quran and authentic Sunnah as understood by the Pious Predecessors, and to return to these two sources in all of our affairs. Any religious affair which has no basis in the Qur’an and authentic Sunnah is not from our religion.
>> To warn people against the evils of Shirk (polytheism) in all its forms and manifestations.
>> To warn people against newly innovated matters into the religion (Bid’ah) and its evils and harms.
>> To promote the authentic Sunnah and encourage people to adhere to it in all of their affairs.
>> To warn against ideologies and methodologies which are contrary to the Qur’an and Sunnah, including extremism in all its forms.
>> To follow the way of Ahlus Sunnah wa Jama'a in the understanding of the Qur’an & Sunnah, as well as in issues of creed(‘Aqidah), worship(Ibaddah) and all other religious matters.
>> To love the Sahaaba (Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and defend them from those who would attack them.
>>To promote sound Islamic knowledge and encourage people to increase in their learning of the religion.
>> To facilitate the spread of Islamic knowledge through literature, lectures, conferences,and the use of multimedia.
>> To foster a respect and attachment to the Ulema, Major scholars of the Sunnah, past and present.
>> To believe that the Qur’an is the uncreated speech of Allah.
>> To not declare any Muslim to be a disbeliever due to a major sin s/he may have committed.
>> To command the good and forbid the evil.
>> To teach, encourage, and promote high values and character.
>> To provide services for our Muslim sisters thereby allowing them to also learn their religion and increase in Iman.
>> To engage with the Muslim youth and mold them into practicing Muslims who are constructive members of society.
>>To call non-Muslims to Islam and show them the beauty of this religion.
>> To encourage Muslims to worship Allah and increase their Iman.